Issue 1 -- January 1, 2000

In this issue...


Did you know?
Coming next month...

Happy New Year! Welcome to the New Millennium and to the very first edition of Living Successfully. Living Successfully is a Quarterly Motivational Newsletter designed to inform, inspire, and empower people to live successful lives----personally and professionally. Each issue offers inspirational messages and quotes, success tips, entertainment, humor and more. For a FREE subscription to Living Successfully, click here.


Leon Shepherd, Editor
Achieving Success in the New Millennium
by Leon Shepherd

No matter who you are or what your situation, you have within you, right now, the ability to accomplish more than you ever have before. You have the potential to exceed all your previous levels of accomplishment. Today is your day! This is your year!

Achieving success in the New Millennium begins with your attitude. A superior attitude will produce superior results. Once you've taken control of your attitude, you must exercise the following steps to develop a clear sense of direction to achieve the success you desire in the New Millennium.

VISUALIZE. Visualization is the process of creating a mental picture in your mind of what you want to happen as if it has already happened. You must see yourself successfully achieving your goals. Remember, everything created by man or woman was once an idea, a thought, a vision before it became a physical reality, including the chair you're sitting in. When you can visualize your dreams and goals, you are well on your way to their accomplishment.

WRITE IT DOWN. Each of your goals should be written in one complete sentence. When you write your goals down, you are making a commitment to achieve them. When writing your goals down you must be specific. For example, let's say you want to buy a new car. If you define your goal as simply wanting to buy a new car, dozens of unanswered questions remain: what kind of car, what price range, what color, what make, what year, what model, what options? Without specifics, your mind ends up with confusion and questions instead of answers and directions. However, once you define the car you are after in terms that are specific and measurable, the process becomes simpler. Your goal becomes easy to visualize. The clearer the goal, the more easily it can be achieved.

DEVELOP A PLAN. Attempting to achieve your goals without a plan, is like driving a car without a steering wheel---trying to get somewhere with no control of your direction. A plan is like a steering wheel, it gives you control of the direction you want to go. With a well thought out plan, you will be able to achieve more than you ever imagined.

Webster defines start as to go into action, to begin. Often times instead of taking action, we delay, procrastinate, or make excuses. To successfully start your plan, divide your goals into smaller workable steps. Make the first step the easiest to accomplish. This will build your confidence and give you an incentive to keep on going. Make sure you stay on pace by measuring your progress along the way.

SUSTAIN. Never give up on achieving your goals. You've got to be persistent. The power of persistence is characteristic of all men and women who have achieved greatness. Don't let frustration, discouragement, or circumstances stop you from achieving the success you desire and deserve. In an effort to sustain and persist, you must encourage yourself on a regular basis and share your goals with a confidant who will give you the encouragement and support it takes to succeed. As soon as you realize the power of persistence, the faster you will be on your way to achieving success in the New Millennium. Remember, today is your day, this is your year!

Success Quotes

My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment. -Oprah Winfry

Do not let what you don't have, prevent you from using what you do have. -Unknown

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go where there is no path and leave a trail. -Unknown

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers

According to your faith; be it unto you. - Jesus Christ

Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty and persistence. - Ret. U.S. Gen. Colin Powell

The secret of success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching. - Unknown

None of the secrets of success will work unless you do. - A Fortune Cookie

Just do it. -Nike

Walking three hours a month may significantly reduce risk of premature death, one study found. Those who walked vigorously for that time had a 43% lower risk of death than those who were sedentary.

Baking soda can be used as toothpaste, shoe deodorizer, a foot soak, a deodorant, a fire extinguisher and with a little water to make a paste with which you can treat insect bites and poison ivy.

Vitamin C increases iron absorption, so always eat iron-rich foods with those high in the vitamin, such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, leafy greens, citrus fruits and strawberries.

Leon Shepherd
Living Successfully
10 Tips For Finding and Keeping a Loving Relationship (Part 1)
by Dr. Tara Fields

Dr. Lara Fields is Seattle's "Love Doctor" listened to on "The Buzz", KIRO-FM.

1. DON'T fall in love with someone's potential. Too many men and women choose a mate or stay in relationships with the hope that the other person will change. DO be honest with yourself and ask: ''Can I love this person exactly the way they are now without the expectation of change?" If not, find someone else.

2. DON'T confuse lust with love. In a rush to feel close, people have sex prematurely creating a false intimacy, which can lead to disappointment. DO take the time to create a genuine emotional connection and allow a passionate sexual relationship to grow.

3. DON'T overlook the red flags out of desperation to have a relationship. For example, If he makes a statement like ''I don't do commitment well, '' Believe him!! DO ask yourself, ''Is this person really available emotionally and situationally?'' (People tend to spend more time researching a VCR purchase than their potential mate).

4. DON'T assume your mate ''physically'' knows what you want or need. DO take responsibility for expressing your feelings and needs with one another. This will pre-empt conflict and deepen the emotional connection between you.

5. DON'T take your partner for granted. When couples get past the honeymoon stage they often become complacent with each other. DO continue romancing one another throughout the relationship, not just in the beginning stages. For example: Make a standing "date night" once a week.

Continued in February issue.

Movie Pick -- "The Hurricane "

Denzel Washington stars in the powerful true story, The Hurricane. In June, 1966, Rubin ''Hurricane'' Carter(Denzel Washington) was a strong contender for the middleweight boxing title. When three people were murdered in a New Jersey bar, Carter's dreams were destroyed. Driving home from a nearby club, Carter was erroneously arrested for the murders and sentenced to serve three life terms in prison. Spanning over 20 years, the film follows the innocent boxer's fight for justice and eventual exoneration. The Hurricane is now showing in select theatres and will open nationwide January 14.

Cure For Snoring (humor)

By the time a sailor pulled into a little town, every room was taken. ''You've got to have a room somewhere,'' he pleaded. ''Or just a bed, I don't care where.''

'' Well, I do have a double room with one occupant - an Air Force guy,'' admitted the manager,'' and he might be glad to split the cost. But to tell you the truth, he snores so loudly that people in adjoining rooms have complained in the past. I'm not sure it'd be worth it to you.''

''No problem, '' the tired Navy man assured him. ''I'll take it.''

The next morning the sailor came down to breakfast bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. ''How'd you sleep?'' asked the manager.

''Never better.''

The manager was impressed. ''No problem with the other guy snoring,then?"

''Nope, I shut him up in no time,'' said the Navy guy.

''How'd you manage that ?'' asked the manager.

''He was already in bed, snoring away, when I came in the room,'' the sailor explained. ''I went over, gave him a kiss on the cheek, said 'Goodnight, beautiful,' and he sat up all night watching me.''

Coming up in the February issue will be a feature on how to stay motivated. The issue will also have part 2 of ''10 Tips For Finding and Keeping a Loving Relationship,'' as well as other great ideas on how to live successfully.

Living Successfully motivates, informs and entertains to help make life more fulfilling and fun!

Each issue offers inspirational messages and quotes, success tips, entertainment, humor and more.

The newsletters purpose is to inform, inspire, and empower people to live successful lives---personally and professionally.

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