Issue 13 -- January 1, 2001

In this issue...

Discovering Your Purpose
How to Get What You Want

Did you know?
Success Quotes
Editor's Note

Happy New Year! Welcome to the New Millennium and to the very first edition of Living Successfully. Living Successfully is a Quarterly Motivational Newsletter designed to inform, inspire, and empower people to live successful lives----personally and professionally. Each issue offers inspirational messages and quotes, success tips, entertainment, humor and more. For a FREE subscription to Living Successfully, click here.


Leon Shepherd, Editor
Discovering Your Purpose
by Leon Shepherd

Have you ever witnessed someone with an incredible amount of energy and enthusiasm as they performed their job?

Have you ever watched someone go about their work with tremendous passion and inspiration?

Or, have you ever heard someone say, '' I love what I'm doing so much, I would it for free?''

If you were able to answer yes to any or all of the above questions, you have watched someone who has discovered their life's purpose.

People who have discovered their purpose, know why they are here, and they know the difference they want to make.

Who are these people? They could be anyone - a teacher, parent, sales clerk, mechanic, executive, or secretary; it doesn't matter what they do. What matters is that they do it with a sense of purpose. Many of us struggle to find our purpose. We ask, '' Why was I put here on this planet,'' or ''What is the purpose of my existence.''

Well, to start at the beginning; purpose is something that flows from deep within you. Purpose is what you are called to do. Purpose is God's gift to you. Fulfilling your purpose is your gift to God.

Wouldn't it be great to start this year living our lives on purpose? But how do we discover our purpose?

Listed below are five suggestions to help you discover your purpose in life.

1. Reminisce about your childhood dreams. As kids we always had big dreams of what we would like to be when we grew up. We didn't put limitations on our abilities. We felt that we could conquer the world and become whatever we wanted to become. But as we got older, many of us abandoned our childhood dreams. Dreams that can sometimes help define our purpose. For example, ever since I was thirteen years old, I've always enjoyed entertaining people. Whether it was at home making family and friends laugh, or being part of the school play or church program. I had always enjoyed being on stage, in the spotlight. Growing up, I wasn't exactly sure where this craving for the spotlight would lead me, I just knew it was a burning desire I had inside of me. Several years ago when I entered into the world of Motivational Speaking, I knew I had found my purpose. As a professional speaker, not only am I in the spotlight, but I have the opportunity to motivate, educate, and inspire people in an entertaining way; all the things I dreamt of as I was growing up. If you try revisiting the dreams you had when you were growing up; you just might discover your purpose in life.

2. Listen to others. I'm sure you've had people say,'' You know what, you would make a great doctor,'' or ''You would make a great writer,'' or '' You would be a good hair stylist.'' Whatever the case, sometimes people can see our purpose before we see it. So be sure to listen to the honest opinions of others.

3. Do what you love. What do you enjoy doing the most? What could you do that would constantly keep a smile on your face? What could you do seven days a week that would bring you joy and happiness? What are your strengths? What talents do you have? What do you do better than others? What would you do if you knew you wouldn't fail? What are your hobbies? It's been said that if you do something you love, you'll never have to work another day in your life. What do you love to do?

4. Ask yourself the million dollar question. Let's say you won one million dollars, tax free. You've been notified to come down and pick up the check. But before you can pick up the check, you must find a job. But the job can be any job you desire. So the million dollar question is, what job would you choose? The obvious answer is that you would choose a job that would make you happy, a job that you would love to do. And by choosing a job you love, it's a good chance that you've chosen a job that defines your life's purpose.

5. Write your epitaph. Taking a few minutes to write down how you would like to be remembered is an excellent way of discovering your purpose.

Recognizing your life's purpose automatically creates a structure for your goals and desires. It gives you something to work toward, something to measure your progress against.

The nineteenth - century writer Mary Shelley wrote that, '' Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose - a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.'' In other words, having a purpose keeps you your mind relaxed and calm. Having a purpose, gives you focus and control of your life. Living your life on purpose will bring you joy, happiness and fulfillment. Why would you want to do anything else?

''The next time you feel the urge to procrastinate.......just put it off.'' - Unknown

''The secret of getting ahead is getting started.'' - Unknown '

'You can have it all. You just can't have it all at once.'' - Oprah Winfrey '

'Your imagination is a preview to life's coming attractions.'' - Albert Einstein

''I will sing praises to my God all my life long.'' - Psalm 146:2

Leon Shepherd
Living Successfully
How to Get What You Want
by Mark Victor Hanson

Dr.Mark Victor Hanson is co-author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul."
One of the best ways to improve your odds of getting what you want from anyone is to think about your request before you actually make it. The reason many people fail to get what they want is that they are too afraid to ask or they view their requests as all or nothing gambits - instead of a series of negotiations and compromises. But there is a middle ground. Here are strategies to help you begin the ''asking '' process and avoid becoming angry if things don't go exactly as planned.
  • Tell yourself there is nothing to fear except fear itself. Fear of punishment or rejection is why most people hesitate to ask for what they want. They are afraid that going out on an emotional limb will result in humiliation if they fail. Before making your request, take plenty of time to remind yourself of the importance of what of what you are asking for.

  • Before you try to sell others, sell yourself. Two of the most important elements involved in asking for what you want - and getting it - are self-confidence and determination. Unless you believe in your heart that you will eventually win over the other side, you will likely falter or become upset at the first sign of resistance.

  • Organize your thoughts. You can't expect to get the results you want if the other side doesn't understand your request. Write out exactly what you want. Practice in front of a mirror, or discuss the points with friends to be sure they make sense and you didn't leave anything out.

  • Ask in an enthusiastic manner and voice. Maintain steady eye contact to show that you mean business but also exhibit respect and admiration for the person to whom you are speaking. In general, you stand a much better chance of getting what you want when you make people feel at ease and show them that you are truly excited about what you are requesting.

  • Learn to say thank you. Whether or not you get what you want, say thank you. Gratitude will leave the other person open to giving you what you want - or more of what you want - sometime in the future.

Bumper Stickers (humor)

1. He who laughs last thinks the slowest.
2. I get enough exercise just by pushing my luck.
3. Where there's a will, I want to be in it.
4. Some people are only alive because it is illegal to kill.
5. Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off NOW.
6. Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
7. Keep honking....I'm reloading.
8. Why is 'abbreviation' such a long word?
9. Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home.
10. I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

Airline pillows can spread disease because they are freshened at most once a day? That means several other people may use a pillow before you get it. There is no way to know the scalp and hair conditions of previous users.

Distilled water is safe to drink - though somewhat sometimes tasteless. It provides an even higher degree of protection than other bottled waters for people with weakened immune systems who need to make extra efforts to avoid parasites.

Frowning and squinting produce the worst wrinkles. Reduce frowning by becoming aware of the tension that goes with it. When you feel the tension, try to relax your forehead muscles by gently massaging them with your fingers.

A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR - Due to the increase of speaking engagements; the newsletter will be published quarterly instead of monthly.

Living Successfully motivates, informs and entertains to help make life more fulfilling and fun!

Each issue offers inspirational messages and quotes, success tips, entertainment, humor and more.

The newsletters purpose is to inform, inspire, and empower people to live successful lives---personally and professionally.

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Living Successfully Newsletter may not be duplicated or redistributed without permission from publisher.



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