Issue 15-- October, 2001

In this issue...

Welcome from the editor
Five Steps
All About Change
Did You Know?
Success Quotes

Thank-you for subscribing to Living Successfully. Living Successfully is a Quarterly Motivational Newsletter designed to inform, inspire, and empower people to live successful lives----personally and professionally. Each issue offers inspirational messages and quotes, success tips, entertainment, humor and more. For a FREE subscription to Living Successfully, click here.


Leon Shepherd, Editor
Five Steps to Academic Success

by Leon Shepherd

Attention: Students! Parents!

Five Steps to Academic Success is the ultimate resource to own if you plan on being a successful student. This fun, informative book includes all the how-to's you need to succeed. Plus; exercises, success stories from students, and a collection of inspirational quotes from Oprah Winfry, Tiger Woods, and dozens of others guaranteed to inspire you every step of the way.

You'll learn how to: create a powerful positive attitude and make the grades you want, choose goals and see them through to achievement, visualize, write, plan, start, and finish your goals of success, and persist when the going is tough...until you possess the success you seek!

And'll discover... The best websites for students including scholarships, internships, and jobs! The best tips on choosing a major, effective reading, and essay writing! Plus! Tips on dating and pledging a sorority of fraternity!

For more information on this exciting new book, visit the author's website:

...US children are getting fatter? The percentage of children ages six to 17 considered overweight nearly doubled during the 1980's after staying at the same level for two decades.
Dietary changes and a decrease in exercise.
-Richard Troiano, Ph.D.

...falling down stairs kills about 4,000 people annually? As many as 50,000 people are hospitalized each year from such accidents. Important: Ensure that stairwells are lit and have strong handrails...that steps have nonslip surfaces...and that no items are left on stairs.
-Tony Rago, safety specialist

...toothpaste with baking soda may not clean or prevent cavities or gum disease any better than regular toothpaste? And if used excessively, baking soda can wear away enamel.
- Alan Winter, DDS, periodontist

...focusing on growth opportunities in your present job can be more satisfying than trying to learn something new.
But: Consider moving to a new field if your have outgrown your job...or you have fixed all the problems in your current job and are still unhappy.
- Mitch Anthony, president of a training and communications firm in Rochester, Minnesota

''There's nothing mysterious about success. It's the ability to stay mentally locked in.'' - Montel Williams, Talk-Show Host '

'The divorce rate would be lower if, instead of marrying for better or worse, people would marry for good.'' - Ruby Dee, Actress '

'A person never knows what he can do until he does it.'' - Gordon Parks, SR., Director

''I'm a survivor!'' - Destiny's Child, Singers

''God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change.'' - Psalm 46:1- 2

Mailbox (humor)
A blonde went outside to check her mailbox, and her neighbor kept an eye on her, she had no mail, so she went back inside her house. Two minutes later, the same blonde went outside for the 2nd time to check her mailbox, and still, she had no mail, and the neighbor was confused. One minute later, again the woman comes outside to check her mailbox for the 3rd time, and again, she had no mail. This time, her neighbor went up to her and said, ''The mailman won't be here for another 3 more hours, why do you keep checking your mail?'' The blonde said, ''Oh, because my computer keeps on saying, ''You've got mail.''
All About Change

by Martin Groder,MD

Truly successful people love change. They are constantly seeking ways to improve themselves and how they relate to others. They are also quick to see the opportunities in change.


Recognize that all change involves loss, even if you're moving to a new neighborhood where life will be more pleasant. You're losing your way of life, and it's instinctive to want to cling to it - at least to some degree. By recognizing that loss is part of life, you will be more equipped to view change as a normal course of events, not as an emotional sneak attack.

Be clear about what is unsatisfactory in your current life.
The desire to escape anxiety, toxicity, frustration or boredom and the need to expand your horizons and experiences drive change. Define what you want and why - and remind yourself of these reasons regularly.

Define you goal or path. By knowing what you want to achieve in your work or private life - and by keeping that image in your mind - you will find ways to make change work for you.

See yourself as others do. If you don't know who you are, you won't know what needs to be changed and how. Ask others what they think of you. Allow them to offer criticism by being calm and appreciative rather than coercive or punishing.

Find role models.
Someone who has learned to cope with change and face it is often the best source from whom to learn how to accomplish it yourself.

Enlist support. Family and friends can be supportive or subversive of your efforts to change. Use your diplomatic skills to get people on board. Discuss how your change will affect your life and theirs. Don't spring a big move on them and expect immediate support.

Living Successfully motivates, informs and entertains to help make life more fulfilling and fun!

Each issue offers inspirational messages and quotes, success tips, entertainment, humor and more.

The newsletters purpose is to inform, inspire, and empower people to live successful lives---personally and professionally.

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Leon Shepherd
Living Successfully


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Living Successfully Newsletter may not be duplicated or redistributed without permission from publisher.



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