Issue 20-- October, 2003

In this issue...

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Your Children
Bad Mood
Scratched CDs

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Leon Shepherd, Editor
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Mindstorming For Ideas

by Leon Shepherd

Have you ever needed an answer to a problem, or wondered how you were going to achieve a particular goal?

If so, you should try this wonderful proven technique called mindstorming.
Mindstorming, not to be confused with brainstorming, is an exercise that you do by yourself.

It's very effective in providing you with ideas on how to solve your problems and achieve your goals.

It has been used by people all over the world with incredible success.

Here's how it works:

Take out a blank sheet of paper and write the goal or problem at the top of the page.
Be sure that you write the goal or problem in the form of a question.

For example: Let's say that your goal is to increase your income by 25% by the end of next year.

At the top of your page, you might write, "How can I increase my income by 25% by the end of 2004?"

The more specific the question, the easier it will be for your mind to focus and provide you with answers and ideas.

The next thing that you want to do, is to number your paper from 1 to 20.
Then write down 20 different answers to your question.

The first few answers will be easy.
The others will be a little difficult, but don't stop until you have written 20 different answers.
Some of your answers might be, "To work harder," "To work longer hours," "To work some weekends," etc.

No matter how common or simple the answers may seem, write them down.
You must generate at least 20 answers for the exercise to be effective.
If you get stuck, try relaxing.
By relaxing, you will free your mind of pressure.

And our minds work best when they are calm and under no pressure.

Now, continue to let your mind come up with answers to your question.

Once you have written down 20 answers, select one of the answers that you can take action on immediately.

This is a very important step, because as soon as you take action on one of your ideas, the faster you will see positive results.

You will also be amazed at how many new ideas your mind will generate just by taking action on one of your ideas.

And the more ideas that you take action on, the faster you will be able to achieve your goals and solve your problems.

A note to the high achiever.
If you want to double the impact of this exercise, write out 20 questions from the answer you selected.

For example, if one of your answers was "To Work Harder."

At the top of your paper, write, "How Can I Work Harder?"

Then write out 20 answers to that question.
Your goal achievement and problem solving will move at an accelerated pace.

Laying The Groundwork For Your Children
by Sylvia Rhimm,Phd

Here's how parents can help their children achieve satisfying careers when they grow up - and balanced and fulfilling personal lives..

Make education priority number one.
Our incomes are tied to the number of years of school completed. Income potential shouldn't be the main goal - but kids who think they can drop out of high school and get rich inventing computer games should know about the importance of education.

Education gives you more tools for appreciating life - and more choices. As children move toward college, their course selections should balance personal interests and development with real-world usefulness and marketability.

Be a coach - not a judge.
Judges pay the most attention to what their children do wrong - not what they do right. Instead of motivating kids to do better, this approach makes them want to give up.
Coaches look for the positive in children and believe in them. They take a problem-solving approach when things go wrong.

A coach sets limits and punishes occasionally - but the child knows the parent is on his side. When a coach punishes, he doesn't take away the child's positive activities.

Example: If the child's grades have slipped in a particular subject, coach parents don't ground him. They talk to him to figure out what's wrong or contact the teacher for suggestions.

Build respect for the work ethic.
Teach your kids to value accomplishment by giving then lots of opportunities to gain competence and responsibility.
Have them work alongside of you on projects around the house - laundry, shoveling snow, painting rooms, preparing dinner. If they show interest in entrepreneurial projects, such as selling lemonade or raking neighbors' leaves, encourage them.

But don't work all the time. Give everyone a chance to enjoy the rewards of a job well done.

Encourage extracurricular activities.
Expect your children to have at least one or two hobbies or regular afterschool activities. These pastimes help them develop skills and explore their interests.

Many people's career successes started out as childhood hobbies. Hobbies also give kids other reasons to feel good about themselves and the opportunity to make friends with other talented, motivated children.

Teach healthy competition.
To become successful, people need experience in both winning and losing.
Winning motivates and exhilarates.
Not winning builds resilience, the ability to handle risk and the willingness to keep trying.
When kids win, enjoy the victory with them. When they lose, empathize but don't feel sorry for them.

Teach respect for other important adults.
If parents aren't respectful of teachers, coaches and other influential adults, children won't respect them either - or value what they teach.
Show your respect by complimenting your child's teachers...asking them how you can be helpful...getting excited about projects assigned by teachers, coaches and advisors.

Be a role model for success.
In addition to knowing they can rely on you at home, your kids need to know that they have an important role outside the home. Being involved in community activities is a good way to model success for your children.

How To Repair Scratched CDs

Repairing the surface of a damaged CD would seem like a natural subspecialty of the gender that grows up obsessing over woofers and tweeters and amps. On the other hand, how many guys grew up watching their older sisters polish their engagement rings with toothpaste, which also happens to be the abrasive of choice for treating a scratched CD? Before you begin, listen to the CD and note where the worst skips are. With one hand opened wide, hold the CD by the edge and wipe gently with water and mild soap to remove dust and fingerprints. Using a lint-free cloth (an eyeglass cloth will do), dry the surface in clean strokes from the center to the outer edge. Do not use a circular motion. Now hold the shiny side of the CD under a bright light and look for whitish scratches (remember that CDs, unlike records, play from the center out). Dampen the cloth, dab with plain white toothpaste (no gels, no baking soda), and apply it to the scratch, once again working from the center to the outer edge. Rinse with water, dry carefully, and test the results. Repeat once or twice if the CD still skips.


Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right.
- Isaac Asimov, Author

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost;
when health is lost, something is lost;
when character is lost, all is lost.
- Billy Graham, Evangelist

Heroes are people who rise to the occasion and slip quietly away.
- Tom Brokaw,Anchor,NBC News

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
- Martin Luther King,Jr.,Nobel laureate

It's good to shut up sometimes.
- Marcel Marceau,Entertainer

Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking.
- H. Jackson Brown,Jr.,Author


When you can't remember why you're hurt, that's when you're healed.
- Jane Fonda,Actress

Being defeated is often a temporary condition.
Giving up is what makes it permanent.
- Marilyn vos Savant, Columnist

When you ain't got no money, you gotta get an attitude.
- Richard Pryor,Actor/Comedian

It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.
- Lena Horne,Singer

When I hear somebody sigh,"Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask,
"Compared to what?"
- Sydney Harris, Author

Life's blows cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed at the fire of enthusiasm.
- Norman Vincent Peale,Author/lecturer

The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem
- Theodore Rubin, Author

How To Overcome Forgetfulness

by Susan Freinkle
Have You Lost Your Mind or Just Your Keys?
4 tricks to keeping track of your stuff

You've got a lot on your mind — and the last thing you need is to feel like you're losing it as you hunt for your car in the parking lot.
How to remember the small detail? Writing is the most effective mnemonic device. But when pen and paper are impractical, try these techniques for not forgetting.

Where you put your keys: Train yourself to put them in the same place every time you walk in the door. Put hooks on the back of your door or place a dish next to your mail.

A name: The trick here is practice, but with a twist. As soon as you hear the name, repeat it to yourself. Then wait a few seconds and repeat it again. Then repeat it once more after a minute or two. The waiting time forces you to think and pay attention.

Five-item grocery list: Form a nonsense word based on the first letter of each item (BAPED for butter, apples, paper towels, Enfamil, and diapers).

Where your car is parked: Stare at your parking spot and tell yourself what's unique about the location — next to a store you like, in a specific row (turn "P5" into "Peter has five cars"), or on a street with an odd name.

9 Ways to Get Yourself Out of a Bad Mood
by Sandra A. Crowe

1. Eat some chocolate.
It prompts the release of serotonin, the brain's natural chemical upper. Eat slowly savoring the sweetness and texture. Limit yourself to two pieces - a chocolate binge will only make you feel worse later.

2. Play with a toy.
Something as simple as a yo-yo or windup toy can distract your mind and relax your body.

3. Get active.
A quick walk also prompts the release of endorphins and provides a change of scenery to distract you away from problems.

4. Shift the focus away from your bad mood.
Do something for others - send a funny card to a volunteer work.

5. Listen to music.
Familiar songs evoke pleasant memories and good feelings. If singing along helps, then belt it out.

6. Contact someone who makes you feel good.
Simply ask that person to help you cheer up or bask in the glow of his/her positive outlook. Just being around a child, for instance, may awaken your own natural joy and enable you to regain your perspective.
In case you can't reach anyone, keep a photo of a loved nearby.

7. Give yourself a break.
Choose a task to postpone or delegate...cancel your dinner plans so you can enjoy a restful evening.

8. Get a massage.
Beyond easing muscle aches, a massage makes you feel indulged. When stuck at your desk, gently massage your own neck, shoulders - even your feet.

9. Play with your pet.
It has a soothing effect on heartbeat, blood pressure and respiration rate.

Tips For Remaining Celibate Before Marriage
by Margena A. Christian

Have Positive Reinforcement From Like-Minded People
You need to be around people who empower you and encourage you to stay strong. There's no substitute for having friends who believe like you and believe in you.

Do Things Differently
Don't put yourself in situations where things can happen. You don't need to be lying around each other on a Friday night around midnight. That's too tempting. It's about making good practical decisions

Don't Date After Dark
Refuse to date after dark because when it's dark, the romantic juices start to flow.

Date With Another
Double-date with a friend. It's easier to control yourself when you have someone their to hold you accountable.

Avoid sexually provocative music and images.
Slow bum
p and grind music isn't what you should listen to. You shouldn't go to movies with suggestive scenes either because that encourages you to have sex.

Listening to slow songs, especially alone, will make you want to fall in love. You will fantasize and get carried away.

Inform Dates That You're Celibate
This is a good testing ground. If that person really likes you, he or she will stick around. If not, that person will disappear. Love doesn't hurt. If a person really loves and respects you, he or she will wait and be there.

Short Halloween Jokes (humor)

What kind of street does a ghost like best?
A dead end.

What did the papa ghost say to the baby ghost?
Fasten your sheet belt.

Who does a ghoul fall in love with?
His ghoul friend.

What do you call a dog owned by Dracula?
A blood hound.

What kind of hot dogs do werewolves like best?

How can you tell when windows are scared?
They get shudders.

Why wasn't the vampire working?
He was on his coffin break.

How do you picture yourself flying on a broom?
By witchful thinking.

What's a ghoul's favorite breakfast cereal?
Rice Creepies.

Why did the vampire's lunch give her heartburn?
It was a stake sandwich.

What directions did the ghost give the goblin?
"Make a fright turn at the corner.

What do goblins mail home while on vacation?

Why did the vampire need mouthwash?
She had bat breath.

How do ghosts begin letters?
Tomb it may concern...

Who is the most famous ghost detective?
Sherlock Bones!

What do you get if you leave a pile of bones in the sun?
A Skele-tan.

What do you call a person who puts poison in a person's corn flakes?
A cereal killer.

What's a mummy's favorite music?
Wrap Music!

Where do ghosts mail their letters?
At the ghost office.

Why didn't the skeleton dance at the Halloween party?
It had no BODY to dance with.

What do witches put on their hair?
Scare spray.

Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
He didn't have the guts.

What happened to the guy who couldn't keep up payments to his exorcist?
He was repossessed.

Why do ghosts have so much trouble dating?
Women can see right through them.

Where does a ghost go on Saturday night?
Anywhere where he can boo-gie.

Who was the most famous French skeleton?
Napoleon bone-apart.

What's it like to be kissed by a vampire?
It's a pain in the neck.

Why are vampires like false teeth?
They all come out at night.

What do you call two witches living together?

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Leon Shepherd
Living Successfully


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