Issue 9-- September 1, 2000

In this issue...

The Subconscious Mind
Temper Your Temper
Did You Know?
Success Quotes

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Leon Shepherd, Editor
The Power of the Subconscious Mind

by Leon Shepherd

Have you ever found yourself thinking about someone, and then the phone rings and the person you were thinking about is on the other line? Are you able to wake up at a certain time without the use of an alarm clock? Or are you able to recall events that happened in your life at a very early age?

If you have experienced any of the above, you have experienced the power of the subconscious mind.

Each of us has two minds, the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is your thinking mind. It uses logic and reason to make its decisions.

For example, remember the first time you learned how to drive a car? You made a ''conscious'' effort to keep both hands on the steering wheel, to look both ways, and to use your turn signal when making a turn.

Because learning how to drive was a new experience, you had to think about every action and you had to learn to make the right decisions. In essence, you were using your conscious(thinking) mind.

It's important that you understand that the conscious minds ability to function is inhibited when under pressure or under tremendous stress. Under these circumstances the subconscious mind takes over.

For example, often times when we are angry we sometimes say things that we later regret. This is because when we are angry, our ''conscious'' mind is unable to function. Therefore our subconscious mind takes over.

The subconscious mind operates most of our automatic bodily functions. It operates our heart beat, our digestive system, the blinking of our eyes and numerous other bodily functions that we don't have to think about.

For example, you don't have to think or make a conscious effort to swallow. It is automatic. It is your subconscious mind in action.

The subconscious mind also works for us when facing danger. When crossing a street, if we see a car coming, we will automatically step back to get out of the way. We don't have to consciously think about getting out of the way, it happens automatically.

The subconscious mind is programmed by your conscious mind's thoughts and beliefs. It is subject to the subconscious mind. That is why it is called subconscious or subjective. The subconscious mind is the soil, it accepts the seeds the conscious mind feeds it. When we feed our subconscious mind a goal to achieve, it springs into action, no matter how difficult the challenge.

In 1997, prior to game four of the NBA Championship between the Chicago Bulls and the Utah Jazz, Michael Jordan was stricken with the flu. Because he realized how much his team needed him and the importance of the game, he planted the seed of playing a great game, (regardless of his health) in his subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind did not know he had the flu, it only knew and did what his conscious mind told it to do.

Though not feeling 100%, Jordan led the Bulls to victory scoring a game high 38 points.

This is what happens when we recognize the power of the subconscious mind. When we think about a goal continuously, it gets driven into our subconscious mind. When this occurs, the subconscious produces the results we are after.

The subconscious mind accepts what is impressed upon it or what you consciously believe. The conscious mind sets the goal, the subconscious mind achieves the goal. Or,in other words, what we think about, comes about. The subconscious mind is so powerful, it never sleeps. It works 24 hours a day.

For example, when I was in high school, many times I would ask my father if I could borrow the car for the weekend, often times his response would be, '' Let me sleep on it.'' Little did I know, that before he went to bed, he would plant the seed in his subconscious mind. Upon awakening in the morning, he would have the answer, provided by his subconscious mind.

As I stated earlier, the subconscious mind never stops working. Your subconscious can wake you up in the middle of the night with a great idea. But this can only happen when you use your mind to work for you.

You see, the mind is like a parachute, it's of no use at all unless it opens up. That' s why it's so important to take advantage of our subconscious mind.

We must think only of thoughts that we believe or want to happen. By continuously thinking about what we want, our subconscious mind becomes programmed to make our thoughts realities.

The subconscious mind is without a doubt the key to our success and happiness. The sooner we realize that our thoughts control our lives, the sooner we realize the power of the subconscious mind.

Many auto crashes and collisions with pedestrians involve vehicles that are turning left. Drivers over age 65 have an especially high left-turn-accident rate. The visual processing speed of older drivers may be slower...and they may have a reduced ability to divide their attention. (Cynthia Owsley,PhD)

Looking to earn a degree by mail or over the Internet? Beware -- scam schools are on the increase. Even accreditation may be meaningless--dozens of unrecognized groups rubber-stamp all applications. Stick with schools accredited by groups listed on the Council on Higher Education Accreditation Web site, Ask licensing boards and professional groups if a program gives acceptable training. Ask universities which credits are accepted on campus. ( John Bear,PhD)

Some over the counter pain relievers contain as much caffeine as coffee. One cup of coffee contains about 85 mg of caffeine. A two-tablet dose of Anacin contains 64 mg...two tablets of Extra Strength Excedrin, 130 mg. Taking these near bedtime - or repeatedly during the day - may make sleep difficult. ( Bruce Ehrenberg,MD)

Nuts can reduce cholesterol levels. People with cholesterol who followed the Mediterranean diet -- eating more vegetables and fish and less red meat and eggs...using olive oil for cooking-cut their cholesterol levels by about 5%. When walnuts were added to the diet, LDL(bad) levels dropped 16% and total cholesterol levels dropped by about 12%. Eat a handful of nuts, including walnuts, two or three times a week. ( Gene Spiller,PhD)

Don't use mothballs. They are made with the chemical naphthalene, which can be poisonous when eaten or breathed. Vapors can fill a house through the heating ducts...or be absorbed by clothes and linens in closets. Clean clothes and closets often--moths don't like to be disturbed. Also, hang mesh bags filled with cedar chips in closets. ( Barbara Pletcher,PhD)

To stay safe when shopping in out-of-the-way or rundown areas, carry a local newspaper or magazine with your map or guidebook pages clipped inside. This will make you seem less like a tourist than if you carried the map or book openly -- so you are less likely to be targeted by hustlers and petty thieves. (Kathy Borus,Retail Marketing Consultant)

Relationship problems are best solved by: Focusing on one issue at a time, not on global statements about the relationship. Describing a problem as a difficulty we have, not as something your partner does to you. If you cannot discuss problems without arguing, write your partner a letter, or make an audio-or videotape in which you tell your side of the story calmly -- and suggest he/she do the same. Doing something nice for your partner, even if the argument is not yet resolved. A smile or cup of coffee, offered without strings attached, often defuses conflict. ( Andrew Christensen,PhD)

To cook fish properly, measure the thickest part of the fillet and cook 10 minutes per inch. This works whether you bake, broil, grill, poach or steam the fish. ( Arlene Sailhac, owner, Macy's Great Cooks Program)

''The greatest inspiration is often born of desperation.'' - Comer Cotrell, Founder, Pro-Line Corporation '

'Don't ask for anyone's advice unless you are prepared to use it.'' - Sammy Davis, Jr., Entertainer

''All that you accomplish or fail to accomplish in life is a direct result of the images you hold in your mind.'' - Hortense Canady, President, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority '

'Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability.'' - Ben Chavis, Former Executive Director, NAACP '

'You're on earth for a purpose. Everyone's goal should be to find that purpose and to walk on the path to your destiny.'' - Damon Wayans, Actor and Comedian

''Always strive to be more than that which you are, if you wish to obtain that which you are not.'' - S.B. Fuller, Entrepreneur '

'Lost time is never found again,'' - Thelonious Monk, Jazz Pianist

''Wealth will never come to those who fail to appreciate it.'' - Father Divine, Evangelist

''You survive by using your best investment. By saying no to drugs, no to teenage pregnancies, no to disrespect. You survive by having a 'don't quit' attitude.'' - Arthur Thomas, President, Central Sate University

''If I can see it, I can achieve it.'' - R. Kelly, Singer

'Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.'' - Proverbs 16:3

by Michael McKee, PhD

Anger is a powerful emotion. But it doesn't have to be a negative one. People who are justifiably angry about something can channel the strength and energy of their emotions into finding practical solutions to the problems at hand.

Some people, however, grow angry from the smallest triggers, and they stay angry for a long time. Anger may threaten their relationships...their jobs...even their health.

Studies show that those who score highest on anger tests have increased risk of heart attack, coronary artery disease, hypertension and other health problems. And because they often act on their anger, they put others at risk.

It is often little things that push people's button's, such as being cut off in traffic...a critical comment at work...or your children making to much noise.

When you find yourself growing angry, mentally separate yourself from the situation and ask yourself if it really deserves a dramatic response.

To put the situation in perspective, I remind myself of what really matters in my life - doing good work, being happy and nurturing my children. These factors are more important than getting mad - or getting even.

The age-old tactic -- counting to 100 (or merely to 50 or 10) gives you time to defuse your emotions before doing something that you will regret later.

Take a deep breath...hold it for a you slowly let it out, tell yourself, this can't be the biggest problem in the world today. People who have serious anger problems may find this exercise useful even when they're not angry.

When you find yourself getting angry, walk around, run up and down the stairs or jog in place. Physical movement helps to wash out adrenaline and other chemicals that fuel anger...and triggers the release of calming endorphins.

Exercise every day -- not only when you're angry. Besides reducing stress and tension, it provides time for you to think about and make peace with what's bothering you.

Make yourself smile. When you force a smile -- even when you don't feel like doing it -- you'll experience a rapid decrease in stress, hormones and an increase in calming endorphins.

Defuse yourself with humor. Rather than getting caught up in the emotions of the moment, try to find something funny in the situation. Laugh at how badly someone is driving...or smile at the absurdity of your extreme reaction. Find the irrational beliefs that make you angry...learn to forgive...practice counting to 10 when you react...breathe deeply and smile.

Like exercise, humor reduces the physical arousal that is caused by anger. It also distracts you for a moment until you can think more clearly.

Put yourself in control. Rather than telling yourself, That guy is making me furious, turn it around and say, I'm getting angry at that guy.

By shifting emphasis, you take responsibility for your own anger. It gives a feeling of control...and people who feel powerful are less likely to get angry.

Discuss what's bothering you. People who never talk about what bothers them eventually reach a point where they can't control their emotions. One day, their emotions explode. When something bothers you, say so. Explain your view in a polite, reasonable way, without being nasty or aggressive.

Look for solutions. Anger never solves problems. If anything, it makes people do things that escalate situations. Finding solutions to what's bothering you puts you in control of the situation.

More Fun Things To Do In An Elevator (humor)
  1. When at least 8 people have boarded, moan from the back: ''Oh, not now, damn motion sickness!''

  2. Bet the other passengers you can fit a quarter up your nose.

  3. Frown and mutter''gotta go, gotta go'' then sigh and say ''oops!''

  4. Show passengers a wound and ask if it looks infected.

  5. Sing '' Mary had a little lam'' while continually pushing buttons.

  6. Walk on with a cooler that says'' human head'' on the side.

  7. Leave a box between the doors.

  8. Make race car noises when anyone gets on or off.

  9. Start a sing-along.

  10. Say ''Ding!'' at each floor.

  11. Lean against the button panel.

  12. Say '' I wonder what all these do'' and push the red buttons.
  13. Announce in a demonic voice: ''I must find a more suitable host body.''

  14. Carry a blanket and clutch it protectively.

  15. Before you push a button, stare at it and say: OK, Raymond...Lets go!

  16. Draw a chalk outline of a person on the floor. When the other passengers enter, say,''Poor Danny, he was my best friend.''

  17. Say, ''See? That's the noise it made just before it fell last time!''

  18. Push all buttons when people get on and say you can't decide which floor to go on.

  19. While the doors are opening, hurriedly whisper,''hide it...quick!'' then whistle innocently.

  20. To a man, say ''Joe, how have you been?',' and carry on a conversation with him like you've known him forever.

  21. Whistle the first seven notes of ''It's a Small World'' incessantly.

  22. On a long ride, sway side to side at the natural frequency of the elevator.

  23. Shave.

  24. When arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to yank the doors open, then act embarrassed when they open by themselves.

  25. On the highest floor, hold the door open and demand that it stay open until you hear the penny you dropped down the shaft go ''plink'' at the bottom.

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Leon Shepherd
Living Successfully


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